
11 Sugary Drinks That are (Almost) as Bad for You as Soda: Hidden Sugar in Beverages

Feb 03, 2024

When you're craving a sweet and satisfying drink, reach for something other than soda. Nearly all sugary beverages are loaded with calories. They also have hundreds of added ingredients that you may not even realize. From fruit juice to iced tea, these drinks may seem healthy at first glance, especially when compared to their bubbly counterpart. But if you consume them too often or in too large quantities, they will negatively affect your health in the future.

1. Fruit Punch

Fruit punch may seem like a better choice than soda because it's made with fruit juice, but most brands have added sugars and unnatural ingredients. Many fruit punches use corn syrup rather than the more expensive fruit juices. Some even contain red dyes linked to behavioral problems in children, including hyperactivity and attention deficit disorder (ADD).

2. Fruit Soda

Fruit soda is often marketed as healthy, but the calorie and sugar totals are comparable to sugary sodas. Many fruit-flavored sodas' artificial ingredients and preservatives can cause digestive problems, including bloating and diarrhea. Sodas may contain aspartame and glucose, both linked to cancer when consumed in excess.

3. Coffee Milk

If you love coffee, you may be attracted to drinking it in milk form, but it's not the healthier choice that many people think it is. A cup of skim milk has about the same calories and sugars as a cup of regular milk. Coffee milk often has added sugar and creamer, but the vitamin content is negligible.

4. Sweetened Teas

Tea may be packed with antioxidants, but it's also loaded with added sugar and calories. Sweetened iced teas are similar in nutrition to sodas, with two tablespoons of sugar per serving. Green tea is often marketed as a healthier option. Still, some bottled varieties contain up to 20 teaspoons of sugar per serving. Unsweetened teas provide little nutritional value compared to water or other beverages with fewer calories.

5. Energy Drinks

Energy drinks are high in calories and packed with artificial ingredients that have been linked to adverse health effects, including anxiety, insomnia, and high blood pressure. Many energy drinks contain large amounts of caffeine, increasing heart rate and blood pressure. A few brands even contain alcohol, and some people who drink a lot of energy drinks may experience withdrawal symptoms when they stop.

6. Sports Drinks

Sports drinks are marketed as healthy because they're consumed during exercise to replenish fluids and electrolytes. However, many people drink them for the taste rather than the hydration benefits. Sports drinks are high in sugar and calories, with some brands containing two tablespoons of sugar per serving. They also contain artificial colors and flavors that may cause an allergic reaction or diarrhea when consumed in excess.

7. Fruit Water

Fruit waters are similar to fruit juices, but they're often flavored with water and sugar. Fruit waters can contain up to two teaspoons of sugar per 12-ounce serving, equivalent to that of a can of soda. The artificial colors and flavors used in fruit waters may also be harmful to your health.

8. Coffee Drinks

Coffee drinks are high in calories and sugar, with one cup of coffee with 2% milk containing about 220 calories and 17 grams of sugar. Coffee drinks also typically contain many added sweeteners, such as sweetened condensed milk, often loaded with trans fats. Adding nonfat or low-fat milk to your cup of coffee can cut the fat content by about two-thirds without sacrificing flavor.

9. Smoothies

Smoothies are generally marketed as healthy since they include fruits and vegetables that are good for you. However, the bulk of the smoothies contains artificial sweeteners, excessive amounts of fruit juice, or other ingredients that can disrupt your gut and cause digestive problems. Smoothies can also contain additives such as preservatives, which may harm your health.

10. Kombucha

Kombucha has become incredibly popular in recent years as an alternative to soda and other sugary beverages. Kombucha contains live yeast and may have health benefits. However, it's also high in calories. Most varieties contain about 250 calories for a half-liter serving, and some brands contain large amounts of sugar.

11. Milk Drinks

Milk is often marketed as a good beverage choice because it provides calcium and other vitamins when consumed in moderation. Bottled milk is not necessarily better than canned or powdered forms because most brands are loaded with artificial flavors, preservatives, and sweeteners. Some milk drinks contain beneficial nutrients such as vitamin D. Still, the calorie content is much higher than that of water or other liquid alternatives to help you lose weight.