
Some Endometriosis Symptoms You Should Never Ignore

Nov 27, 2023


Endometriosis is normally a non-fatal condition. Cells that appear due to endometriosis are benign. However, the tissue will still grow and bleed as it dies normally. Causing swelling as the tissue grows and pain as the tissue lacks space to grow, and when it dies like it normally does, it causes further pain as, more often than not, it grows in a spot from where it cannot leave the body easily and can cause infections. When fallopian tubes get blocked due to endometriosis, it can cause cysts to form in the ovaries. It can also cause problems related to the intestine and bladder. Scar tissue forms after these cells have died, which can cause difficulties in getting pregnant.

Effects and Treatment

Following are the main effects of endometriosis on the body depending on where the cells appear:

  • Pain in the lower back
  • Infertility
  • Painful urination
  • GIT problems such as diarrhea or nausea

Endometriosis is not fatal but causes extreme discomfort, especially during menstruation. In severe cases of endometriosis, the cells that enter other body organs can become cancerous and start growing out of control. These cells then form tumors causing damage to that organ but, in most cases, causing blockages such as of the intestines. There is no proper treatment for the disorder, but its symptoms are targeted to make life easier. Pain medication, Hormone therapy surgery, and sometimes hysterectomy with removal of ovaries are conducted.

Need to Watch Out for Symptoms

Endometriosis has 4 stages Minimal, Mild, Moderate, and Severe. Depending on the stage, the doctor may prescribe different treatments. If the disease is caught during the beginning stages, The patient may need only pain medication, rest, and home remedies such as warm baths and exercises. However, the patient may need hormone therapy as the disease progresses to prevent ovulation and reduce the menstrual flow, and surgery becomes necessary. Most commonly, only laparotomy is done to remove the tissue that grows outside the womb. However, in severe cases, hysterectomy may be done, which reduces fertility as a side effect. The later the disease is caught, the more damage it will cause and leave worse long-lasting effects, so it is necessary to watch out for the early symptoms of the disease.

Early Signs of Endometriosis

The earlier a disease is detected, the less damage it can cause to the body and the better the chances of preventing long-term damage. Here are some Endometriosis Symptoms You Should Never Ignore to ensure that you do not have to suffer unnecessarily.


One of the initial signs of endometriosis is cramps causing extreme amounts of pain during menstruation. Endometriosis causes an excess of endometrial cells, and as the number of cells is far larger than normal when they die, it causes extreme amounts of pain. However, Even after menstruation is over, pain in the pelvic persists as sometimes the debris of the cells has no way to leave the body easily, so it continues to cause pain and discomfort. The nerves of the pelvis area overlap with those of the back and abdomen, so sometimes pelvis pain can trigger those nerves leading to pain in the back and lower abdomen as inflammation occurs due to the cells that moved there due to endometriosis.


Normally bloating is the increase in stomach size after a healthy meal. After eating, the stomach expands to accommodate the extra food causing bloating of the stomach. In endometriosis, the lower abdomen expands due to the presence of the endometrial cells that migrated there due to the disease. as time passes, the cells die, and new ones come there. As the space is limited, the abdomen increases in size without much increase in weight and is the most easily perceived early symptom of endometriosis.


Endometriosis is a big cause of fatigue. Your body spends extra energy to deal with the movement of the cells, removing their debris and preventing infection, and then when you go to sleep, you cannot sleep properly due to extensive pain. This lack of proper sleep and extra work loaded onto your body induces feelings of fatigue all the time.


Due to endometriosis, bleeding occurs at times other than during the menstruation cycle. As the cells that moved due to the disease die, their blood or debris slowly makes its way out of the body leading to bleeding at random times.


Endometriosis is a disease that causes immense pain and discomfort and can even reduce the chances of getting pregnant. It is a disease that diminishes the body's ability to function as there is a limit to how long the body can bear the pain. So it is important to always look for the early signs or symptoms of endometriosis to catch it in the initial stages and treat it without causing any long-term complications.