
Popping Antacid Pills like Candy

Nov 05, 2023

Some antacids contain sodium bicarbonate. They might not be suitable for long-term use by people with high blood pressure or who need to watch their salt intake. The second reason is that antacids work to neutralize the acidity of the stomach and help temporarily alleviate heartburn, acidic stomach, or indigestion. But they do not treat the real health problem that causes those symptoms.

Indigestion or stomach upset is often attributed to acid reflux; the pain could be due to gallstones or peptic ulcers. And each of these health problems has its treatment. Additionally, ignoring the symptoms of acid reflux with antacids for too long can lead to more serious health issues later on, such as the prolonged exposure to acid that is associated with acid reflux may cause damage to the stomach. Take the initiative to discuss with your physician if you start using antacids. They will be able to provide you with a specific diagnosis and suggest the most effective solution.

Risk Factors That May Cause Symptoms

Heartburn typically occurs when a muscle, known as the lower esophageal girdle, isn't completely closed and allows stomach contents to be returned from the stomach to the esophagus. This muscle functions as an esophagus valve that opens to allow food to flow into the stomach and then closes to stop the backflow of food from the stomach to the esophagus. However, with every valve is the possibility of leaks, and in this instance, heartburn.

A portion of the contents that are regurgitated comprises gastric acid (hydrochloric acid), the primary cause of the burning sensation. This acid could lead to corrosion and over-inflammation since, as its name suggests, it's an acid. We've covered some of the fundamental physiological mechanisms and physiology involved in heartburn; let's look at some risks that could cause or worsen symptoms.


Weight gain can cause unwanted stress on your esophageal spine and cause it to open in a way it isn't supposed to. While losing weight is most likely, not the simplest thing to do, it's the most effective thing you can do if you're overweight and suffer from heartburn.


Again, it's not an easy task to quit smoking; however, it is one of the most beneficial options for treating acid reflux and numerous other health issues.

Low Inactivity Levels

It is well-known that exercise can impact various aspects of our health. However, many people do not realize that inactivity can cause heartburn. The increased movement we do every day can reduce the amount of heartburn.


The most commonly used medicines that cause heartburn include muscle relaxers. These medications may cause the esophageal Sphincture to relax, which can worsen the backflow leak.

Strategies Can Help Reduce Heartburn

  • Give yourself a couple of hours before lying down.
  • Take 4-6 small meals throughout the day, instead of 3 or 4 large meals. This will ensure gastric acid doesn't get a free pass inside the stomach. It can digest food.
  • Eliminate alcohol and caffeine since they are major acid reflux triggers. Other common triggers include citrus, chocolate mint, tomatoes, garlic, black pepper, onions, spicy food, and fat-rich foods.
  • Find out your food sensitivities. While the mentioned foods are the most common cause of heartburn, problematic foods may differ between people. Food sensitivities can trigger inflammation and a series of digestive and stomach symptoms.
  • Eliminate drinks with carbs. Bubbles that are too large can cause an increase in gas production and acid reflux.
  • You can try DGL (Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice) instead of antiacids. Licorice has been proven to reduce symptoms of acid reflux. It can also help safeguard the stomach and esophagus from acid by boosting mucus production. DGL is a kind of licorice with significant quantities of glycyrrhizin eliminated. Glycyrrhizin is the ingredient of licorice that may increase blood pressure. Make sure the DGL bottle contains lower than 3 percent of glycyrrhizin. Always consult with your physician before taking any supplement.
  • In the world of herbal medicine, marshmallows can be classified as a demulcent, which reduces inflammation, creating a barrier within the gastrointestinal tract that protects against irritants like stomach acid, which is your Marshmellow's defense against stomach acid.